
The Social Good is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that believes in the power of shared experiences to educate communities about public health. So, we create public awareness campaigns designed to connect communities around issues affecting our mental and physical health. It is only by creating empathy that we can effect positive outcomes.




The Social Good was founded by Curtis Hougland, best known for founding one of the first new media agencies in 1991 and one of the first social media agencies in 2004 -- both named Attention. Over a 25-year career he built and sold four companies specializing in digital innovation [Ruder-Finn, Euro RSCG, Viacom and MDC-Partners].


Our Projects.


Cervical Health Advocacy

precerv (Website Coming Soon)

Precerv is an advocacy and education resource that believes that every individual with a cervix should have access to comprehensive cervical cancer screening.


Cervical Health Equality

25 & Alive

Advocating for the use of the Pap test for women under 25 through stories that show how crucial it is for every individual with a cervix to have access to potential life-saving health measures.


Breast Health Equality

B Well Health

Providing resources to help Black women stay informed, inspired, and ready to advocate for their breast health through education and the powerful stories of our shared experiences with preventing, fighting, and living with breast cancer

opioid misuse

Opioid Center of Support

Organizing the highest performing evidence-based resources on opioid addiction for caregivers across each stage of addiction.

Mental Health

Child Mind Institute & My Younger Self

Raising awareness for the 1 in 5 Americans coping with a mental health or learning disorder by inviting them to give advice to their younger selves.


Creative Spirit

Launching the first job placement service and platform for individuals with intellectual developmental disorders.


Create Good.


Contact Us

Learn more about how to get involved in public good.

Make a Donation

Donate to The Social Good Foundation to fund our work.